

Italjets Renaissance is coming

Thursday, February 10, 2011
A Renaissance for Italjet in Italy.

Massimo Tartarini is traveling the world setting up the next phase of Italjet. Rumor has it they will be in the USA again soon with new bikes and a new importer which is pretty exciting. Another indication that the market is coming back both in Europe and the US.

Massimo stopped by Miami to see if we could help take care of dealers that had purchased many of the Italjets sold between 2007-2009, that’s something we’ve been trying to do. We also have a few of the newer Franco Morini parts for the Italjets of 1999-2003 with Italjet USA. It’s been a wild ride for the brand. It’s funny he showed up as we were in the United Motors building.

To find more about the museum display

A good indication is that in Italy they just opened an exhibit honoring the work and designs of his father called “The Italjet of Leopold Tararini works from 1960-1988” showing all his famous designs for Ducati and his brand Italjet. The fact the Italian people are finally recognizing the brilliance of the designs such as the Velo, the Dragster, and Torpedos leads me to believe that something is in the air.

I did give him a little flak. His brother did design the ugliest scooter I’ve ever seen, but they have mostly been on a roll lately. It will be interesting to see what new product

A Bologna una Mostra intitolata "La Italjet di Leopoldo Tartarini 1960-1988"
aperta nella giornata di mercoledì 8 dicembre al Museo del Patrimonio industriale alla Fornace Galotti ha celebrato la Italjet, una firma storica del motociclismo nata a Bologna in un non lontano passato.
La mostra ripercorre la storia del marchio dalla fondazione in Via del Piombo nel 1959 (poco dopo il rientro di Tartarini dal raid intorno al mondo su Ducati compiuto insieme a Monetti) al 1988 anno in cui l'azienda ha orientato la produzione sui soli scooter.
In esposizione: 22 motocicli e 5 visori tematici con oltre 400 immagini storiche (1. Leopoldo Tartarini; 2. Dalla fabbrica alle fiere del motociclo; 3. e 4. I cataloghi, 1961-1988; 5. Le moto fuori catalogo).
La mostra resterà aperta sino al 29 gennaio 2012.


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