Mad Props to Guido for following the stories our segment of the industry cares about. Scooters often get ignored in the motorcycle press. Once a year we get a special issue or two and its usually about gas prices or how everyone is getting rich. Guido has always taken it to the next level. This week I have to send a mass shout out to him because he did two things.
First he broke the United Motors auction story. Hyosung really needs to pay attention to this one because they make an excellent product and to see several thousand units out there that have been orphaned will make them into ZOOMBIE Scooter no dealer will want to touch. Nobody in the industry covered United Motors closing which is sad because magazines should be about reporting not just giving advertisers free press and quotes when its all hype. The stores need to be on top and be educated on whats really happening. See UM story http://blog.guidoebert.com/2010/05/20/um-bikes-appear-at-auction.aspx
Few people read my blog compared to Guidos so I will give him a mad thank you for following up and taking the time to write about Peter Warrick. http://blog.guidoebert.com/2010/05/20/scooter-slinger-peter-warrick-dies.aspx I have to say the quotes from Philip McCaleb and other industry people were excellent. I'm glad someone was helping honor his memory and putting the word out there. He was a family man, a business guru, and his legend will live on in the US Scooter Scene. I still find myself thinking of what could have been had he had more time on this earth. 62 years was way too short and I for one will truly miss him.
If you've read this far I want you to subscribe to Guidos blog because he is one of the few professionals that cares about everything happening including the OEM reports. This is important to any shop owner because more than once a day I get the question should I buy this brand? Which is a good rental brand? etc...
http://blog.guidoebert.com/ go ahead visit it and bookmark it.
Now I started promoting Guido last year because I saw what a value his blog is to the industry. I did a couple of mass emails telling 10,000 people in the industry to visit the site and they went there in droves. Soon after several parts companies jumped on it, in April 2stroke buzz even gave him some love http://2strokebuzz.com/2010/04/01/speaking-of-2sbebert-comparisons%E2%80%A6 even one of my closest competitors interviewed him. So I have to say he is on the fast track. I'm glad someone out there is reporting real news and not some fluff piece. I respect that watch him test out a Kymco and a Genuine in some upcoming articles.
Once industry experts wake up they will be lining up to advertise on that page because its getting up there with all the hits.
Guido thank you for caring about the dealers and the industry.
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